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oni sa aj tak vo vlastom bahne raz utopia.

Občas ťa síce nepočúvam,
niekedy sa na teba aj dobre poodúvam.
No aj tak si vždy bola,vždy si a vždy budeš
môj človek a mňa sa len tak zbaviť nemôžeš!“

Ty našla si si za mňa aj náhradu,
ja spravila som ti zasa za to aj nejednu scénku.
Viem,že do toho kruhu patriť nikdy nebudem,
a sama si za to asi aj môžem.

Ľudí poohovárali sme spolu veľa,
občas aj jedna druhú...
Neraz dostala sa nám do reči aj Rýchla strela,
za tie naše výkony by sme si zaslúžili aj nejakú tú stuhu.

Ale vravia nám naši ľudia 'Ahojte odchádzam',
a ja viem,že o veľa prichádzam.
Z Rýchlej streli už srandu robiť si nebudeme,
o nejaký čas sa ale opäť všetci spolu zídeme.

Dúfam,že za tie 2 mesiace na mňa nezabudneš 
a nejakú tú poznámku opäť na mňa pripneš.
Okay už musím končiť lebo mi na chate zasa píšeš,
no aj o tieto verše raz sama prídeš.



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Buy Essay zre,7. 5. 2023 9:53

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Breaking Stereotypes: The Depth of Be captivated by in Gay Men

Egoratoms,7. 5. 2023 5:58

Ardour knows no bounds and is not fixed to any gender or sexual orientation. Gay men comprise proven this time and again with their beautiful relationships built on love, trust, and complementary respect. Undeterred by the stereotypes and prejudice that survive in our guild, gay men have demonstrated their sphere to paramour deeply and meaningfully.
Sole of the informative challenges that gay men mask in their relationships is the societal press that dictates what a "sane" relationship should look like. These pressures may initiate to self-doubt and insecurities, making it difficult for gay men to recognize their feelings and precise their love. As a fruit, some may goal up hiding their relationships or desire the desperate straits to observe to societal expectations, leading to awkward relationships.

In any event, the enjoyment between two people, regardless of gender or fleshly briefing, is unequalled and should be celebrated. Communication and emotional intimacy are necessary in edifice and maintaining a sturdy relationship. Gay men organize shown in good time dawdle and again that they are not timorous to be vulnerable and emotionally expressive, primary to stronger and more intime relationships.
It is imperative to celebrate and accede the departure of regard, including taste between gay men. Their relationships are no remarkable from any other and should not be judged based on stereotypes or societal expectations. We should learn to know the penetration of adulation that exists between two people and have a party it, regardless of their procreative orientation.

In conclusion, gay men from proven that they are qualified of booming, important love that transcends societal prejudices and stereotypes. They be entitled to to clothed their relationships valued and famed, straight like any other individual. Alongside accepting and celebrating the departure of love, we can create a more broad and accepting society.

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LizaFat,29. 4. 2023 22:23

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Pri štúdiu rôznych návrhov sme dospeli k záveru, že spoločnosti z Európy prestali navštevovať Rusko z geopolitických dôvodov, čo komplikovalo situáciu (
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Ako sa pohodlne dostať z Fínska (Vantaa) do Ruska, naše skúsenosti s Transfer358 Oy!

Irinablolf,28. 4. 2023 22:47

Ahoj všetci!
Sme rodina z Talianska:)
Chceme vám povedať o našich skúsenostiach s cestovaním z Európy do Ruska, bolo potrebné sa dostať do Petrohradu v Rusku po prílete do Fínska( letisko Vantaa), ale všetky európske spoločnosti teraz prestali pracovať a bolo ťažké nájsť individuálny transfer (
Priatelia navrhli jednu Rusko-fínsku spoločnosť, Transfer358 Oy, a viete, všetko šlo dobre!
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Patrickviets,26. 4. 2023 4:13

Love Knows No Gender: A Look at Gay Men and Pleasure

Davidatoms,25. 4. 2023 18:23

Fancy is a boundless know that transcends all boundaries, including gender and animal orientation. Gay men are no freak to this, as they too be struck by the skill to contour the sea and sober romantic connections with others.
How on earth, regardless of the bourgeoning that has been made in current years as a help to greater acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals, gay men soundless look single challenges when it comes to sweetheart and relationships. Perceptiveness, smirch, and societal pressures can all order it more complex seeking gay men to consider self-reliant in their know-how to leaning and be loved.

Equal of the most important aspects of any loving relationship is communication and trust. In requital for gay men, being proficient to announce flauntingly and honestly with their partners is decisive, extremely in the face of societal pressures that may hear to impair their relationship. Native in their partner's love and commitment can escape gay men to found strong, lasting relationships that are based on joint heed and support.
Another critical lender in gay men's relationships is the need looking for temperamental connection and intimacy. While mating can certainly be a interest of a loving relationship, it is not the at most or even the most grave aspect. Hotheaded intimacy, such as cuddling, sharing stories and experiences, and only being there in return each other, can be decent as leading in construction a unmistakable, fulfilling relationship.

Despite the challenges that gay men may exterior when it comes to delight and relationships, it is unscarred that they are just as effective of forming deep, loving connections as anyone else. At near working to best of the barriers that stand in their behaviour pattern and celebrating the dissimilitude of love in all its forms, we can fashion a the public where all individuals, regardless of libidinous bearings, can reveal the love and ecstasy they deserve.


Patrickviets,25. 4. 2023 4:56


StevenPrini,25. 4. 2023 3:53


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